Uploading a file

Size of document

Width: Variable + 10mm

Height: Variable + 10mm


Hemmed Banners: Cut area 5mm + 40mm fold over + 40mm margin (total 85mm margin all round)

Unhemmed Banners: Cut area 5mm + 40mm margin (total 45mm margin all round)

Please enter these measurements in the 'Upload Your Artwork' section below to get an accurate costing for your job.

If both of the above dimensions exceed 1300mm please contact us for further assistance.

Document format

For the best print results we are happy to receive high quality PDF print ready documents. Many desktop packages such as Microsoft Office, Adobe Create Suite, or Corel, allow you to publish your document straight to PDF. Whenever possible please include crop-marks to allow accurate cutting. Whilst we can accept other file types, we find that PDF is the most reliable format for maintaining fonts and pagination.

Full bleed documents have images that go right to the edge of the page. To achieve this it is important that the artwork has additional space around the edge, and that the image flows into this space. When the print is finished this additional space is cut off to provide the finished document size (see diagram below).

If your document contains full bleed images it is important that your artwork is 10mm bigger than the finished size you require. For A3 which is 420mm x 297mm your artwork should be 430mm x 307mm. Remember we will cut 5mm off all the way round so keep anything important well outside the cut area.

If there are no full bleed images then your artwork can the same size as the finished item.

Either way it is really helpful if you can include crop marks as these indicate the finished size of the document.

Diagram to illustrate cut area and margins for full bleed image documents

If we can be of any assistance please do not hesitate to contact us at myjob@careprint.uk.

Ready to create your product design?
To start, select the product size, preview the design guidelines, download the guidelines for reference, and proceed with the customization options.
Help template cannot be generated as one or both bleed sizes (height and width) are set to 0.
Bleed Line
Safe Line

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